Sunday, May 31, 2009
Beginning of Hurricane Season 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009
Sleep Tight Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite!!

Having stayed in five different hotels in the last three weeks, I must say that I was fortunate to miss the bed bugs (as you know my affinity to bugs and my reactions), but I did sleep tight! From California to the Carolinas to Jersey and Costa Rica one thing was for sure:
In ALL hotels, regardless of price, state, or country, there is always something very similar....the way the bed is made using military style technique.
Have you ever noticed that getting into the hotel bed is a process? There must be at least 5-7 pillows of all arrays of styles: square, regular, round, long and cylindrical. Then, you must rip free from the depths of the mattress and frame not just the comforter but the blanket and the sheet.
As a person that enjoys throwing a leg or foot out to keep my thermometer comfortable, I seem to fight the military style bed making skills that make sleeping the night through rather impossible. Through my turns and temperature adjustments, I rip the sheets free from their imprisonment and give myself some breathing room.
In this day and age where hotels are customizing sleeping experiences whether it be with both firm and soft pillows to select from and sleep number beds, can I get a bed with a non-military style preparation?
Any comments of your hotel experiences, bed making styles, or bed bugs?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Traveling with the Threat of a Pandemic
This week I took my third trip since the outbreak and onslaught of news regarding Swine Flu; however, this time it was a little different as I was leaving the United States and heading to Costa Rica.
Not only did this look strange, but also it certainly didn’t give me the typical warm welcome of, “Bienvenida a Costa Rica. Pura Vida!” (Welcome to Costa Rica. Everything is well!) In fact, I noticed through my time in the airport that many of the other employees including cleaning staff were wearing these masks. Was I missing something?
Am I missing something? Should I be wearing a mask? Should they be wearing masks? Let me your thoughts on these precautions whether needed or silly.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Locals ONLY
Sunday, May 3, 2009
7 Days and 11 States, My 7-11 Travels
In my usual style, an aisle seat, I have taken out my laptop to reflect on my last seven days (see picture for view from my seat). Since boarding, it has been a rather interesting flight with various infants, one yappy little dog, and everyone afraid of sneezing with the worries of Swine Flu. It is during this said “quiet time” (with headphones on) that I reflect on where I have been over the last seven days.