To those that have stumbled upon this link or that have been following since my stories of Arranged Marriages, Camel Rides, Great Paella, and Run ins with some mean Insects.....I wanted to let you know that I have officially moved off this address.
Personal traveling stories and insights from a sassy world traveler nicknamed Ms Traveling Pants.
Having stayed in five different hotels in the last three weeks, I must say that I was fortunate to miss the bed bugs (as you know my affinity to bugs and my reactions), but I did sleep tight! From California to the Carolinas to Jersey and Costa Rica one thing was for sure:
In ALL hotels, regardless of price, state, or country, there is always something very similar....the way the bed is made using military style technique.
Have you ever noticed that getting into the hotel bed is a process? There must be at least 5-7 pillows of all arrays of styles: square, regular, round, long and cylindrical. Then, you must rip free from the depths of the mattress and frame not just the comforter but the blanket and the sheet.
As a person that enjoys throwing a leg or foot out to keep my thermometer comfortable, I seem to fight the military style bed making skills that make sleeping the night through rather impossible. Through my turns and temperature adjustments, I rip the sheets free from their imprisonment and give myself some breathing room.
In this day and age where hotels are customizing sleeping experiences whether it be with both firm and soft pillows to select from and sleep number beds, can I get a bed with a non-military style preparation?
Any comments of your hotel experiences, bed making styles, or bed bugs?
This week I took my third trip since the outbreak and onslaught of news regarding Swine Flu; however, this time it was a little different as I was leaving the United States and heading to Costa Rica.
Not only did this look strange, but also it certainly didn’t give me the typical warm welcome of, “Bienvenida a Costa Rica. Pura Vida!” (Welcome to Costa Rica. Everything is well!) In fact, I noticed through my time in the airport that many of the other employees including cleaning staff were wearing these masks. Was I missing something?
Am I missing something? Should I be wearing a mask? Should they be wearing masks? Let me your thoughts on these precautions whether needed or silly.
In my usual style, an aisle seat, I have taken out my laptop to reflect on my last seven days (see picture for view from my seat). Since boarding, it has been a rather interesting flight with various infants, one yappy little dog, and everyone afraid of sneezing with the worries of Swine Flu. It is during this said “quiet time” (with headphones on) that I reflect on where I have been over the last seven days.
Most of my posts thus far have been of memories of past trips. This week, I wanted to give you a story in “real time” of a journey from Fort Lauderdale, Fl up I-95 1,800 miles to Poughkeepsie, NY. Stay tuned for play by play pit-stops, unique insights, and more.
Additionally a couple funny things of interest, in Georgia we saw a billboard for Chick-fil-a that read, “Stop in the Name of Chikin.” This was being painted on the billboard by two Holstein cows, one sitting on top of the other (Get it, cows trying to get people to eat chicken?). Also, we saw a motorhome pulling an SUV (see picture) that stated, “Be Patient I am Pushing this Big Motorhome.” Upon passing the SUV being pulled, we noticed that there was a female dummy in the driver’s seat. Honestly, people have too much time on there hands.
Until Part 2....
Exhausted from a three-day conference of schmoozing (see Art of Schmoozing post from March 20th), I am currently recharging in the Atlanta airport for the 2nd leg of my nearly 9 hour cross-country trek. This week, I had the opportunity to see San Diego for my second time. Staying in the Pacific Beach area, it was beautiful. However, it was unseasonably cold at 60 degrees and wind. It certainly did not meet my expectations for Sunny California.
The conference I was attending certainly used my bi-lingual skills, not Spanish and English, but technology speak instead of travel industry speak. The days were filled with networking, speakers, seminars, and more. The evenings were packed with social functions that proved to be much more productive for business that the actual meetings.
So after a three-day marathon of networking and seminars, I wanted to just sleep through the trip home. Taking the Red Eye was the most logical to get home by Sunday AM to have what remains of the weekend (as if my body even knows what day or time it is now). However, prior to boarding at 10:30 PM PST, the gate attendant stated something that I have yet to experience, another true first. “Attention those boarding the 10:40 flight to Atlanta, please be advised that the San Diego airport has a curfew of 11:00 PM. If we are not boarded with the door shut prior to 11:00, they will cancel the flight.”
I thought to myself, “this is just perfect.” I have never heard before of canceling a flight with the crew and passengers there, weather condition OK, but it was too late in the evening. What a ridiculous idea! I guess I can understand the logic behind a curfew for the citizens of San Diego regarding the noise of the planes, but last night I could have cared less if we would have done a fly by like the scene in Top Gun to that neighborhood. I was less than compassionate for those San Diegans living close to the airport. I wanted to get home.
The rule of the curfew of the San Diego airport, in combination with a long 3 day networking event and the a la carte ambiance of flying now days, I am counting my lucky stars that I got on the plane and took off prior to 11:00PM and that Atlanta has a Dunkin’ Donuts upon at 5:00AM EST.
Do you have a Red Eye experience to share or perhaps another story regarding an airport that has a ridiculous rule such as San Diego?
Always a great packer and savvy at how to maneuver through an airport certainly came in handy over the past months. I have come to terms that traveling at least once or twice a month does NOT warrant unpacking my carry-on. I have converted this rollable bag into my everyday, work bag which at all times carries my business cards, cell phone charger, camera, pens, marketing materials, and international electricity convertors.
Over this time, I have seen transportation strikes in Berlin, the co-founder of Apple speak in L.A., toured the bunker of Churchill in London, zip-lined through the Central Park of San Jose Costa Rica, listened to Jazz on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, and did a drive-by viewing of the Mona Lisa at the Louvre.
It all sounds quite glamorous that is until your body is doing the traveling. This is especially true if you are traveling in coach which seems more and more like flying a la carte everyday (Would you like a blanket with that, a second checked bag, or a soft drink?).
I can tell you already Newark has a great foot spa that gives foot massages for a reasonable price and without the need of spending a lot of time for a full pedicure. Las Vegas allows you on the way in and the way out to win the big bucks with slots at the airport. And, well the rest have blended together as I have either been jet-lagged, too tired from flying weird hours, or well they are just banks of chairs, fast food restaurants, and the same mechanical announcement via the loud speakers whether in French, Spanish, German, etc.
I have already shared with you my tip for my work bag/carry-on, but over the year, I have also acquired a few other tricks of the trade..that is the trade of business travel.
Stay tuned...for Traveling for Work Part 2 and my list of tips.